How Google Search Works? : The Magic Behind the Search Box

Debabrata Dhar
1 min readJun 20, 2024


When you type a query into the Google search box, it may seem like magic that you receive highly relevant results in just a fraction of a second. But behind that simple search bar lies a complex and sophisticated system. Let’s dive into how Google Search works, from crawling and indexing to ranking and delivering results.

1. Crawling: Discovering the Web’s Content

The first step in Google’s search process is crawling. Google uses automated programs called “spiders” or “bots” to scour the internet. These bots follow links from one page to another, discovering new and updated content along the way. The goal is to cover as much of the web as possible and gather fresh information.

Googlebot starts by fetching a few web pages, and then follows the links on those pages to find new URLs. This process is continuous and ensures that Google’s database stays current with the ever-changing internet.

2. Indexing: Organizing the Information

Once the web pages are crawled, Google needs to make sense of the data. This is where indexing comes in. The crawled pages are processed to understand what they are about. This involves analyzing the content…

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